Monday, May 9, 2011

It's late, I'm tired.

And... now I have an almond problem.

I have been a fan of neutered baked goods only and really only allowed peanuts but sometime recently I got brave and tried mixed nuts.  I could handle different varieties only when mixed together, interestingly.  Okay, I found it interesting.  But the ones I kept picking out were almonds so at Winco maybe a month ago I asked Chris for almonds and he asked me if I wanted the salted ones.

Deep breath.  "No."  I figured it would be much healthier if I could learn to love the unsalted ones so I was super brave.  I've been eating nuts for two reasons: helping to knock the nighttime pills down without having to take a shot to eat and providing a little bedtime snack with protein.  Tonight I realized I loved the unsalted almonds so much that I got up to pack some for lunch tomorrow.  It is exciting to find something I enjoy that might actually be healthy.  My idea of healthy is a ham and cheese sandwich.  Did I finally find something that doesn't have a but other than the obvious "but don't eat too many?"

And speaking of things I didn't think I would enjoy, I started reading the assigned novel for the upcoming Children's Literature class.  I would really like to go back to reading that now, but I wanted to briefly mention the conversations that Ant and I had today.  I may have to explain the phone situation more in depth later, but the short version is that he's apparently not done yet with taking things that don't belong to him and now he's afraid he's going to juvie.  He really didn't do anything he could seriously get in trouble for but he certainly didn't do the right thing.  Yeah, I'll have to explain this more later but for the time being, I'm letting him be worried.  I need this one to sink in so that no amount of desire or peer pressure will allow him to make another judgement call as piss poor as this one.  I think this may be the first time that he has confessed without me figuring it out first.  He was convinced that every dark car he saw was an undercover cop and that we were being tailed to the laundromat.  When we stopped for milk at 7-11 he informed me that a cop had driven by while I was inside.  Back when I was a candy thief, I got caught once and dragged back into the store.  That was the last time I stole, and for years when I heard sirens I was sure they were coming for me.  I will not let the worry carry on forever, but right now he understands that this situation is different than the trouble he's been in before.

I will explain more later, I promise.

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