Thursday, June 23, 2011

Update & Schedule

I'm feeling very productive.  I'm doing very little at work so in my head I'm working out everything that I will miraculously accomplish this weekend.

It was a nice Thursday in Ceramics- one piece was put into the kiln, two more pieces are waiting on the shelves to be fired.  Or maybe I should say nine pieces.  He's going to have a conniption when he sees them.  Four are large puzzle pieces that hopefully will fit together that I hope to make a trivet out of.  The rest are smaller puzzle pieces that were originally supposed to be smushed together to make a container but they didn't bend at all overnight.  Then my plan was to make a crazy sculpture but yesterday he lectured for an hour and forty-five minutes and I had no time to join them.  I sprayed them with water but today they were already too dry so I just made them smooth and put them on the shelves to be fired individually.  Who knows if he will actually do it.  Maybe he'll tell me they're too cliched like another girl's project.

"What is that?" he asked her.

"Mr. Sun!" she answered gleefully.

He got all of our attention and asked what every kid draws.  Then he went to the board and drew a sun on a horizon and warned us all (again) about cliched images.

I get it, but can't you relax about beginners?  It's hard enough to come up with ideas without getting shot down.  Another girl got that lecture earlier this week when she told him about her idea of doing those three monkeys- you know, hear no evil...

I just read up on those monkeys.  Apparently there is often a fourth monkey shown with his arms crossed for "Do no evil".  That would make a better subject.

What projects will I start next week?  I want to crank them out while I have the chance to do this.  Hmmm.

God, I can smell my hair.

I finally hit Mix Cupcakes and bought one Peanut Butter Chocolate Blast.  I took it to go in a little box.  I went home and asked Chris if he wanted a sandwich.  He said yes and I pulled out the bread but there were no more sammich makings!  He had lunch ready for us both on Tuesday and I should have put two and two together.  Those were some thick sandwiches.

So off to Boston Market we went for lunch.  Chris was on the phone forever and I handed him the cupcake box for a second so I could fish my wallet out of my purse.  Now, I had been carefully holding the cupcake box upright and in front of the AC vent the whole time and Chris failed to notice this.  He took the box from me and immediately tipped it over.  It was so perfectly unintentional.  I knew that would happen- why did I give him the box?  Good grief.

I yelped and he was surprised.  <Insert confused man face here.>

I ordered meatloaf sliders and Chris got the larger meatloaf sandwich.  His was way better than mine.  We both ordered creamed spinach and I thought about ordering just that next time.  Mmmm.  We opened the cupcake box and I was delighted to see that the icing had only slightly smeared on the side of the box because there's a little supported cupcake sized hole inside.  It even has cutouts so you can pick up the cupcake!  Genius.  The cupcake was good but the icing was overwhelming.  I had to take off most of it and wipe it on a napkin where Chris picked it right back up and ate it.  I want to try their Lemon Sunshine.  (What diabetes?)

I just tried to take a shot for my snack and my insulin is pressurized again.  This happened once before from getting too hot- this means I'll have to get a new vial.  I have to keep an extra on hand or I'll be SOL.

So I had half a cupcake and took a shot for that and lunch and promised Chris I'd test in an hour.  He dropped me off at the hair place but came in to tell them to watch out for me.  : )

The body wave didn't take too long and I am very excited about it.  But I can't wash my hair until tomorrow and it smells.  It doesn't smell as bad as perms normally smell but periodically I'm like, "What the hell is that sm.... oh."

More for me than for you, here is my schedule:

Friday: errands, laundry, cleaning

Saturday: finish book arts project, clean, organize Pickle Parlor

Sunday: laze around, watch movies

Sounds good to me.

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