Monday, September 12, 2011

New Formats Suck

And so do new classes.  The four classes would have been more than enough to keep me busy but I needed more credits, garrrggghhh.  Why did my advisor recommend a class where I would have to do two weeks worth of work every week in order to finish in time to graduate?  GODDAMMIT!  I just spent the last oh... 15 hours working on that class alone.  I am frigging exhausted.  I can't host sleepovers.  It is impossible to accomplish anything.  I can't answer the phone.  Yesterday I didn't get nearly enough done and I spent probably six hours on this goddamn correspondence class.  You ASSHOLE!

Now I get to go find my copy of A Farewell to Arms and try to read as much as possible tonight.  Tomorrow I have to finish it, write a response, and prepare to do a panel on Tuesday.  I also have to do photography homework, I don't even remember what.  And two VA appointments.  Looks like Chris is making dinner.

Oh- so he told the manager of the ball field that you can't understand anything behind home plate because of the speaker placement.  The manager invited him to direct where they should be moved and said he may have a job in the booth next year.  And because I forgot to tell you before, Thursday night he got lots of compliments at work, one from some important events guy in the area.  And one of the band guys called Chris the best sound guy in Reno.  Niiiiiiiice!

Ant had his first kiss last night.  He and Bubba were hanging out out front, double dating.  Bubba's girlfriend lives over here- they only see each other when Bubba stays over.  Ant's girlfriend lives downstairs in our building.  Oh my god, I am unprepared for this.  He didn't tell me, he told Chris- voluntarily.  I didn't know whether to be alarmed at the kiss or upset that he didn't tell me.  This sucks.  I take care of Jasmine and Ant day in and day out and they both like him better.  I said this to Chris in the car.

"That's not true!" he said to me.

"Go kiss Mommy," he whispered to the dog.

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