Monday, October 10, 2011

One project mostly done!

Every time I go to post something on Facebook I feel like someone will turn and point their finger at me yelling, "Hey!  You get back to work!"

But it's been looooooonnneeellyyyyyyy.  I have Chris and Ant but I'm over doing chores and homework.  I want to go outside and play.

Last night I buckled down and got rid of the 5 page essay that's been hanging over my head for two weeks.  Done.  Now it's back to reading and answering questions, which I can do.  I have a lot of reading for that class, a lot of reading for the novel class, a lot of reading for the Shakespeare class... aaaaaand it looks like I'm going to Wikipedia it up!  I've only done that once in college so far.  My counselor is like, "Hello, Sparknotes?"  But I can't help it- I actually want to learn things, read good books, absorb something!  But Jenny, there's no time for that.  This makes me really look forward to graduating, finding a good job, and starting night classes- one class at a time.  Rachel said she is learning WAAAAAAAY more that way.  What a concept, huh?

Ant made it off to school this morning!  I'm thinking of throwing him a small party when he gets home.  He didn't ride the bus to school at all last week.  He came home that way fine, after missing his stop twice.  But Chris had to drive him to school every day last week... and I think I already told you that in the last blog?  Well, I have trouble keeping up.

SO.  I told Chris yesterday about the photography project and ran my ideas past him.  At dinner he told me we would be going out that night to shoot.  I finished my paper around 10 and we put on some layers and went out in search of a good vantage point.  He had an idea that didn't work but got us started.  I saw some lights and had some ideas about moving the camera and making some funky weirdness.  It worked really well and I am excited about the results.  We were out for about 3 hours but I got some neat stuff.  Chris wanted to play too and started calling me a camera hog.  :D  It was fun though, and reminiscent of our paper delivery days, except this time we weren't freezing, running late, or solving arguments by hitting the brakes really hard.  LOL yes, we really did that.

We were mostly out on dirt roads.  At the first spot, we could hear some coyotes fighting somewhere in the distance but at the second spot, we got out and were surrounded by the sound of coyotes yipping.  Both jackrabbits and cottontails ran suicide missions into the road, some ran zigzags down the road in front of the Dodge in an effort to elude us.  Some would dart from the field into the ditch by the road, then run right out in front of us.  We were on serious bunny patrol- should have had Riley with us.

Today is errands and homework, more organizing and cleaning, more pictures and checking out what I've got.  Maybe I'll post some while we're dealing with Photoshop.  Busy day in a busy week...

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