Sunday, November 6, 2011

Free fixes are the best.

Because I don't have time to, I'm reading Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger Games series.  I don't have much time left in this semester and I'm pretty freaked out about all I have to accomplish, but reading a non-school related book per month is probably the only resolution I have ever kept in my life and I only have a couple more months to go on that, too.  I intend to finish both, dammit.  I think my plan of sticking to the Hunger Games series is the only way to do that, because I am burning through Catching Fire, ha ha.  I think once I finish this one I will read the last one during Thanksgiving break.  That will be nice.

Okay, so last night I got up when Chris called around 1 and bundled up.  There are only the two front seats in the van so I couldn't take the girls with me.  I couldn't take the Dodge because the headlights were not working.  Chris had said not to take the freeway in the snow, so I was going to have to take the deserted back way.  I started driving and realized that there was NO gas.

Oookay.  Driving a light, high profile, long vehicle with no weight over the rear axle in the snow in the middle of the night... and I am totally unfamiliar with both the van and the back way... and my phone doesn't have much juice... and I am going to run out of gas?  No dice.

The van has two fuel tanks and I didn't know which one to fill.  I got a hold of him and found out which one he uses but this plan was just doomed to fail.  The tanks are locked and though I read the directions, I could not open the tank.  Garrrggghhhh.  Chris said he'd find somebody to give him a ride and I went home.

I wanted to wait up for him and tried to occupy myself with mahjohngg, but I remembered what Dad said earlier about it possibly being a fuse.  I went out to the Dodge with a flashlight and found the fuse box.  I couldn't tell which one was the headlights so I took the cover back in the house to look up the codes.  (Chris tells me later that the fuse for the headlights is under the hood.  Oh.)  I started to look up the codes, but then it occurred to me to do what I always tell Ant: Google exactly what you're looking for.

"both headlights"... and it pops up with "both headlights out at the same time."

The first answer is Greek, but the next one says oh, I had that problem once, I could only use my high beams...

High beams!  How could I forget that?  I went back out and turned on the lights.  Still nothing.  Turned on the high beams.  Success!  Yes!  Now I can call Chris back and come get his poor, cold, drugged ass.  I turn the high beams off and I still have light.  Whaaaaaaaat.  I turn the lights off.  Turn them back on.  We have headlights.  WTF.

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