Friday, November 25, 2011

Reverse Anxiety Exercise

I want to get all my work done for school and pass all my classes with no less than a B.

I want Chris to have enough work to keep us afloat while I finish school and look for a job.

I want to spend what will hopefully be my last seriously broke Christmas quietly and stress free, enjoying my family and my free time.

I want to find a job by early January with the commute, pay grade, and benefits that I have been visualizing, doing something that I am both highly interested in and good at.  (Whew!  That's a big one.)

I want to finish out the only New Year's resolution that I have ever kept and read my November book within the next several days.

I want to read a LOT more next year, including lots of research on adolescence.  I want to survive Ant's teenage years.  While I'd love to thrive with grace and dignity, I think a more realistic hope is for patience and tolerance.  I want to love him no matter what comes.

I want to find some fun hobbies that keep me fascinated.

I want to manage my budget well, which I think will be completely possible with a steady income.

I want to take good care of my dogs.

I want Chris and I to survive Ant's adolescence and eventually have our house to ourselves again.

I want to rarely ever take a day off without traveling somewhere.


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