Saturday, December 24, 2011

Away in a pre-lit, inflatable manger

I read this somewhere: "Don't should all over yourself."  I think it's pretty funny and true as I sit here thinking about what I need to be doing.

What I would like to accomplish today:

furiously clean the house
grocery shopping
bake 14 different kinds of Christmas cookies and a few breads
wrap the few presents I managed to find for Ant
take the dogs somewhere and/or go for a long walk
upload graduation/Ant's concert/project pictures here and save them to the external hard drive
7-8 loads of laundry

What I will actually accomplish today:

furiously clean the kitchen and halfheartedly pick up the living room
precision strike on grocery store, pause to admire receipt
bake oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for Mike, pb kiss cookies and hopefully some gingerbread
wrap the gifts
delegate the dog exercise to Chris but potentially participate in a walk
upload pictures and spend two hours writing blogs
5 loads of laundry with one forgotten about in the washer
take a fun family photo, upload it to Facebook, waste an hour checking to see if anyone liked it yet.

Last night we drove around to look at Christmas lights.  I made Chris swear that he would not complain about the Christmas music, but he did anyway.  We found two Christmas channels on the XM radio, but since I don't really know how to operate the thing, I found them on the pop channels.  Chris was yelling at Mariah Carey when we pulled up to a stoplight and he looked over at me.

"Don't make me hate you on Christmas."

I think that would make a lovely Christmas song, don't you?

We drove through Hidden Valley, which is a great big neighborhood situated on a hill (?) overlooking Reno.  Most of these people have way too much money, but live in reasonably sized houses, so they spend lots of money on Christmas decorations.  Usually when you Google to find Christmas lights there will be several singular addresses and even some whole streets that participate, but these Hidden Valley people are dedicated.  If it's not a requirement for the homeowner's association, it should be.  The whole area was crawling with people like us, admiring the show.  Chris was thrilled by one set of LED lights so much that he wanted to decorate our house in them and leave it up year-round, setting the colors for each holiday.  He also liked the icicle lights that drip- those are neat.  I liked all of it, but I was extra entertained by all the cartoon characters I saw.  Snoopy, Mickey Mouse, Elmo, Sponge Bob, Homer... and the house with Homer had a port-a-potty all lit up with Santa taking a leak inside.  I thought that would be Ant's favorite, but since he's 13 now and not amused by anything anymore, he laid down with Jasmine in the backseat and slept through the entire drive.  We were out for a couple hours and he didn't look at jack shit.  Chris finally yelled at him to wake up to see this one house we went all the way down to South Reno to find.  I read about it online and I will be storing the address in our Christmas box because it was awesome.  It's one of these houses that does the synchronized lights to their own radio station.  It was an amazing show and their lights were really well done.  We saw another with synchronized music on Tanea Drive, which is one of those streets where everybody participates.  This one was a little messier and only had one song, but the street was mobbed.  Do you know how many limousines we saw last night?  Is this something new I don't know about?  Hire a limo to drive you around to look at Christmas lights?  They made getting through Tanea Drive pretty interesting.  The other amusing trend this year was all the inflatable mangers.

So my pictures are finished downloading (Multi-tasking, that's right) so I'm going to go grab some of the awesome pictures and write another blog.  Aren't you lucky?

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