Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cheese & Chaos

I was in the shower this morning when Chris came into the bathroom and grabbed me through the shower curtain.  I shrieked, the curtain rod fell, and I turned to see Chris holding an armful of shower curtain.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" he yelled.  This is his stock reply when he breaks something and wants to quickly pin it on someone else.

Today in the car, I was struggling with a near empty tube of lotion.  I would hit it on the heel of my hand and squeeze but get nothing but air.  After maybe five hits I got a little out and started working it into my poor, dry hands.  Chris took the bottle off my lap to get some for himself.

"Good luck," I said.


I let out one of those loud, erupting laughs that scare people.  The noise was funny enough but it was the giant gob of lotion on his hand that kept me in belly laughs until I cried.  Chris went straight past his normal giggle and into his all out Pee-Wee Herman laugh. He had what looked like half the tube- it was amazing.  Amid gasping hee hees, I apologized for drastically underestimating his man hands.  It took a while to regain enough composure to take the lotion off his hand.

Tonight we had tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner.  The soup was ready first and Chris turned off the wrong burner, so we stared sadly at the slow sandwiches until I figured out what the problem was.  Chris was too impatient to wait long, so he snatched an almost-done sandwich out of the pan.  I continued cooking mine and the kitchen was quiet for a couple minutes.

"We need to find a grilled cheese contest," he said, chewing.  "And enter you in it."

Awww.  "Thanks, honey!"

Chris went to the computer and reported back.

"Here it is!  The Seattle Cheese Festival!"

Holy shit, there's a cheese festival?  We discussed it over dinner and decided that once Ant finishes high school and finds his own place, we'll move up to Seattle.  I want to get that editing certificate from the University of Washington and Chris just wants to be near the water.  And we both want to go to the cheese festival.

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