Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ant Update

I feel all frantic to write this in the 13 minutes I have left for lunch.  I can't wait until I have internet at home again.

Ant went to science camp Monday- he gets home today.  I wish it was longer and not just because I enjoy vacations.  It's science camp!  I was checking the packing list on Sunday night as he corralled his stuff.  He got to label his underwear, which apparently is a childhood requirement, so I was excited that he got to check that one off.  Then he asked me if he could take a shower in the morning- not his designated shower time.  I said no and he begged so I asked why.  He said he didn't want to take a shower in front of other people.  Ahhhh.  Another rite of passage.  I told him that parents would probably freak out about group showers so there would probably be curtains.  Then I told him about basic training.  On the first night, everyone was trying to figure out what to cover with their tiny towels.  On the second night, they wrapped the towel around their head.

Unrelated to the shower discussion, he asked if he could go to camp this summer for a week or two.  I will gladly look into that.  Soon he'll be too old.

In other Ant news, I've been wanting to tell you about his Christmas list.  He actually made two: Reasonable and Unreasonable.  Someday I'll copy those down here for you, but one entry makes me laugh every time I go to the fridge:


That's not your normal helicopter.  That's a seriously bad ass HELLA copter!

So last night Chris and I spent our date night at McDonald's for the free internet.  We had to enter dates for the Freight House gigs and guess who got to do all that?  Then we hit Blockbuster and my blood sugar was so low that I had to stay in the car.  I was beyond wobbly.  I sat there for at least 10 minutes amazed by how poorly sealed the car door was and trying to feel the top of the window to make sure it was closed.  Eventually the apple juice kicked in and I realized that the door was open.  Ha ha ha.

Chris got J. Edgar and we went home, left the movie in my purse and passed out to Frasier.  We went to bed around 9- we were so tired- and were woken up at 10 by my phone.  I didn't recognize the number so I handed it to Chris, who answered with an appropriately gruff "Who's calling my girlfriend this late?" voice.  It was the camp director, who said Ant seemed fine, but had been rough housing with some kid who punched him in the chest.  Ant says he lost consciousness, which wouldn't be the first time he's said that when no one was around to confirm it so who knows.  The director said he had been checked out, no head injury, pupils were fine, etc.  Chris talked to Ant, Ant said he felt fine.  The kids were due back by noon today, so it was really just an FYI.  This morning I asked Chris if he freaked out about that phone call.

"Yeah, a little," he said.

I asked what his first thought was at receiving a call from the camp director at 10pm.

"I thought he was in trouble."

Also a legitimate possibility.

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