Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Eight Minute Update

I keep having these moments at home where I'm like, "Oh, I need to blog about that."  Then I come here and go uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...  At some point I'll have internet again and will be able to blog when the mood strikes, but for now I have to wait.  Or I could drive up to the McDonald's, but then I would be tempted to buy cookies.  Mmmmmm.

I'm here every day doing my job as best as I can, learning and asking questions and getting back spasms from sitting in front of a computer all day.  I am waiting for the income to catch up with the bills, which is poopy, especially because Chris's work hasn't picked up yet.  April.  Jesus God, can we finally get two steady incomes?  Ant leaves Monday for science camp- the very same science camp that we squeezed out payments for because it will be fun and really, is he going to look back fondly on eating Ramen in front of Two and a Half Men?  Probably, but I know he will enjoy science camp even if Chris is helping him plot to bring water balloons.  Turd and turdlet, those two.

All week I go to work, go home, walk the dogs, make dinner, supervise homework, work on my puzzle, and go to bed.  Sometimes I go the grocery store or Blockbuster.  On the weekends I clean, do laundry, and nag the boys.  This weekend it was especially bad- it looked like the whole house threw up.  It's okay though, and I'm fine.  Riley is sad, but I try to make her happy with afternoon walks.  I'm still here, though.  Hi.

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