Monday, June 11, 2012

Pretend like I posted these yesterday.

Yesterday we drove out to Fallon to see some drag racing. I didn't take any pictures, mostly because we didn't stay very long, despite the fact that we drove forever to get there. Do people seriously commute from Fallon? Wow.

While I didn't take pictures, I did see some... colorful people. Watching the dragsters race was cool, and most of the people were really nice, but I overheard some kid who was maybe 7 make a shitty remark- something about being an "American"- to two non-white kids walking by. His dad smiled and some bitch behind us found it hysterical. Then Ant went to go get a sandwich from the cooler in the Dodge and on his way back, some old crusty guy called out to him: "Nice clothes you got on there, bozo." 

Oh wow, you turd. Guess you've forgotten what it's like to be a teenager. And really, Ant's look was quite tame. Ant said he just said thanks kind of sarcastically, and I can't think of a more appropriate response. I'll never understand how anyone can feel that free to make shitty comments to a complete stranger. And what sucks worse is that I seriously doubt that guy would have said anything if Chris and I had been with Ant, but he felt free to rag on a kid. What a shithead.

So after that we drove down to Sand Mountain just to look at it.

I tried to get some other pictures too.

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