Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Does this count as a movie blog?

We watched 21 Jump Street last night and as usual, I started dozing off about ¾ of the way through the movie.  I started having one of my driving dreams.  Sometimes have these really horrible dreams that I am driving my bed.  There is a steering wheel at the end of the bed near my pillow, and just low enough to where I have to be lying down to drive.  Here I am driving my bed down the highway and I just can’t pick my head up off the pillow.  It is such a panicky feeling, yet I lie there half asleep, unable to open my eyes and wondering why anyone would make a car out of a bed- how are you supposed to drive like that?
So I’m dreaming that I’m driving my bed and I’m backing up in a parking lot.  Suddenly there’s this huge loud bang and my heart drops through the floor because in all my years of driving my bed, I have never hit anything.  I wake up horrified and realize that there’s just a major shootout going on in the movie and I am not actually driving at all.  It took SO LONG for my heart rate to slow down.  How's that for a movie review?

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