Saturday, July 28, 2012

Quiet Time

This is Ant being excited that he's finally tall enough to use the sun visor.

Things feel back to normal already to me, but Ant says he's still forgetting where the silverware drawer is. He had a great time visiting his cousins, learning to surf, going to the skate park, etc. He said he got to ride in a car, a train, a boat, and a plane on this trip, but he got sick on the boat.

I'm going to try to steal some pictures of his trip to print and I'll post some here.

For now I'm at the park with the girls. Jasmine doesn't seem too interested in chasing the frisbee this morning. She didn't even want to carry it out the door like she usually does. I had Jasmine halfway down to the corner and Riley hadn't even left the driveway. She came when I called, but sneezing in protest. I know that doesn't sound possible, but there is a difference between her protest sneezes and actual sneezes.

Riley is just sitting next to me with her paws curled into the grass as an anchor because we're perched on the top of a steep hill. She hasn't even wandered down to the bottom. Jasmine is rolling around in the sprinkler-soaked grass at the bottom. She's keeping the frisbee in her mouth as she rolls over and over. That must feel like such a luxury, because she won't leave that spot. Her frisbee is super floppy to keep from hurting her mouth, and she likes to fold it over like a taco before she brings it back to us. She'd refold it hundreds of times if we would just let her lay out here on her side in that cool, wet grass, happily gnawing on her frisbee.

We're good for now, but the sounds of cars passing are replacing bird chirps and soon there will be more neighbors trying to exercise their dogs before it gets hot. We'll stay as long as possible because Chris is trying to collect as much sleep as possible before his next two really long days with no rest in between. Besides, Riley has relaxed her paws and is making percolating noises while watching the bugs and birds fly around and Jasmine is still folding her frisbee into a taco.

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