Friday, August 10, 2012

Paging Mr. Havacek

So it's Friday and getting close to the end of the day, so it's time to start wondering if Chris will get paid on time this week. He's busy working and I'm busy working and I'm thinking of texting him this:

"Paging Mr. Havacek. Chris Havacek?"

Because this is my sense of humor.

But this week, and last week, it just didn't feel like something to worry about, and it wasn't. Apparently, the problem left. Maybe that was the problem, maybe that is the scapegoat, but whatever. I'm starting to see what he means about treating money as more of a flow than anything permanent. Money leaves and money will come. And if we're lucky there will continue to be unexpected surprises on both ends.

On a lighter note, I figured out why the house is such a mess. Chris thinks it's because Ant's gone, and that is certainly a valid reason, but I often have bursts of productivity for cleaning that become rabid eight-hour sessions of OCD. The house gets messier until I can't stand it anymore and suddenly I can do nothing but clean. This whole week has been a loss though, and coincidentally it has been hot as shit. Yes, steaming pile of poop hot. And about as inspiring. Our poor, sad little window A/C unit is trying its best to keep up- pray that it does not fail. In such heat, no wonder I can't get anything done. As it is, I can't run the dishwasher, dryer, or use the oven until 10 at night. Speaking of which, it is now time to go clean what I can until I get tired now that my body is used to the work schedule.

Someday there will be funds coming from more creative pursuits with less confining schedules... and a house that is mostly underground, eliminating the need for heating or cooling costs. For now there is a steady work and a hot, messy house during the summers. I always think July will be the worst, but I must remember that you can't spell August without ug.

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