Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Sistine Chapel wasn't painted in six months.

Well, I feel better now. We had Kumbaya Class when the phones transferred to San Francisco and I found out that I am hardly the only one ready to explode. That was a twenty minute venting session and the poor Kumbaya leader likes more of a solution-based approach. We were overdue, I think, and the venting was more forthcoming because the boss was gone. I tried to corral some of our frustrations on paper afterwards to give to our Kumbaya teacher. I am going to try to organize it a little, see how it arranges itself. We get twenty minutes with this woman every two weeks at the end of the day when everyone is tired and frustrated. I am not jaded enough yet to give up on trying to improve things, but I have to figure out how. Ignoring the status quo is the first step, I'm sure.
So after work I went to get my eye exam and order some new glasses. (Thanks, Dad!) I was so sad to lose my green glasses and it amazes me to realize I had those things for eight years. Crazy. I like the new frames a lot- they should be ready next week. After that, Chris dropped me off at home and went to work. Ant is at his friend's house squeezing the last bit of life out of his summer vacation. I laid down with Riley and watched a few episodes of Roseanne. Many belly laughs later, I took the dogs for a long, energetic walk and finally started some laundry. We're getting close to zippy weather, finally. Oh, how I love zippy weather. I cannot wait to be able to come home and start laundry and cook dinner and not have to worry about cooking us inside the house. And then it's Halloween and pumpkin time. Soon I will smell October and there will only be four months left until I get hired on for real, a raise, and it will be time to start browsing for more challenging job descriptions at the VA. Hang in there, Jenny, doing good.
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