Thursday, August 23, 2012

Superfast Miniblog

I'm in a phase where I am very bored and I don't want my phone to ring.  I was like this yesterday too, but in a much worse mood. Last night I got more sleep and feel more normal today, but I still don't want the phone to ring.  It's been busy, thanks Thursday, and I am just cranky with having to spend my days in a box.  I can't believe that some people can do this for years.  I cannot.  I have to remind myself that I am learning the system and what better place to start?  I need to learn as much as possible and stay put long enough to look reasonable before applying for the next step.  And maybe that job will get boring too, but it would probably be a good thing to emulate Shannon and keep changing jobs every year or so until I get into something that I like.  If I have to spend this much time away from home, it needs to be something that doesn't drive me insane.  I have to cut coupons or do something with my hands while I'm on the phone or I get unbelievably bored.

This is temporary.

I won't have to sit in a box all day forever.

Eight and a half hours of staring at a wall.

We got internet at home today, so maybe now I can start getting my writing together and publish something and get a fabulous job writing blogs about my fabulous life and I can switch to part time and do fun things like take classes and go to weird events and little road trips and then I will be much happier.

But do we really need to be sitting here in boxes for 8 hours a day?  Is this helping anyone or serving any real purpose?  Could this be accomplished in 6 hours?  Or 4 days?

Come on, Diet Coke, propel me through the rest of this day.

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