Saturday, December 29, 2012

By the end of the day

...she was wrecked. We stopped at Lowe's and the dry cleaner's and the grocery store. Dad told me it was fine to bring her in- "After all, we're in Southern California." He didn't understand why I was so reluctant until later that day when we were packing the car and situating things. I was in the car and Dad and Riley were standing outside. He said dogs were coming so I asked him to hold her collar. She turns into a stubborn donkey when you do that, so he picked her up, which is not an easy task.

"Jesus, she is solid!"

Very. It's all cookie weight.

Later, Dad grilled pork chops and we watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which was cute and reminded me that the point is not to cope with a new situation, but to thrive. Thank you, Dame Dench.

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