Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Notes for Tracy

I just freed four gnats from Riley's spiderweb hair.

Sue wasn't at work today, and I am happy to have an excuse to not go to the gym. I may have another Wii night, but it's more likely that I will finally have that movie night we kept trying for- with popcorn.

Riley bolted out the door when I got home and had some unhappy poo, but there was none inside! What a good girl.

Bug #4.

It's a good thing we bought two 9 volt batteries, though I didn't think I would need the second one quite so soon. Stupid smoke alarm clocks.

It is extremely windy outside, which makes it all too convenient to go inside and take a nap. And I've got my napping couch back, but I would gladly let you use it anytime. Visits go by too fast.

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