Sunday, July 14, 2013

I'll probably have nightmare now.

Today's movie was Watcher in the Woods. It's Disney, but comes with a warning for parents to pre-screeen for pre-teens, and that it's not meant for small children. My parents did not see that part, so I watched it when I was young, and this movie scared me so bad that I couldn't finish watching it. For years, when people talked about really scary movies, I always mentioned this one. No one had ever heard of it, probably because it is not shelved in the horror section.

When I brought it up to the counter at Blockbuster, the guy said, "Hey! I haven't seen this in years!" I told him I was too scared by it as a kid, so I was giving it another shot.

"Really." He said without a question mark. Unimpressed, ok.

I tried this once before: last summer. Chris was working and Ant was spending the night somewhere. It was late, I was alone, and got creeped out quickly. I bailed.

This time, I watched it at noon, and the only part that scared me was when the "dad" kissed his 17-year-old daughter on the lips. Well, there were a couple parts that startled me, but I made it through without covering my eyes this time. The director did almost all horror movies, but wanted to make a Disney movie because they are so "timeless." He did Escape to and from Witch Mountain, but also directed Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry, which was apparently quite popular at the drive in.

I'm glad I finally watched the movie. It's weird because it feels like I have checked off an item that I didn't even know was on my list. As minor of a weight as that might have been, it's still feels like weight that's shed. I wonder what else I have been carrying around?

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