Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tell me if you watch it.

I read a list on Buzzfeed of the movies that you should never, ever watch. You know where this is going.

Most of them sounded horrible and completely avoidable. There was a lot of being awful for awful's sake, but I'm sure some intended to make a statement: artistic or otherwise. (If I can remember, I'll add the link here tomorrow.) I had already seen one of them: Gummo, or at least enough of it to know I never wanted to watch the rest. If the person who lent it to me is still reading this blog, I'd like to ask what draws you to that movie. Not sarcastically.

Sarcastically, Tracy and I have a periodic giggle over my imaginary dating profile that says something like:

Smokers, drug addicts, and A Clockwork Orange fans need not apply.

But on this list was Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father.

Buzzfeed said it was the saddest documentary ever. The title was enough to pull me in. I also think Buzzfeed said not to read a thing about this movie if you're going to watch it, so I did not- not even the blurb on the envelope.

Don't watch this movie... unless like me, you are a sucker for a story, especially one that's true. If so, don't cheat. You will be rewarded by being destroyed... and then amazed. Totally, totally worth it.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

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