Friday, August 23, 2013

Enjoy your crisp, clean air.

It's so smoky here in Reno.

This is from yesterday afternoon, sent to the local news station.

Here's a recent fire map.

Most of our smoke is coming from the Rim Fire.  The air quality warning was just upgraded so that everyone should stay inside, not just the sensitive groups.  It's awful.  I have a headache and my throat is sore.  We're in an air conditioned building, but we can all smell the smoke- even inside.  Everybody's hacking.  I thought about wearing a bandana over my nose and mouth while walking Riley, but I think I will not so that I can tell when she needs to go in.  Our walks will just be potty walks, anyway.  The Duck Race is this weekend,

which is something I really wanted to go see, but it might be postponed if the air doesn't improve.  They've already postponed another event, and schools have cancelled all outside activity.
Since I can't find a flier that explains the Duck Race, it's an annual fundraiser for the Nevada Humane Society.  You can adopt a single duck or a Quack Pack of 5, as I did.  They have bigger package deals too, and if your number comes up, you can win one of many prizes.
Tonight I will run walk at a moderate pace into Winco (limit strenuous outdoor activity) for some milk and banana dippers and real fruit because I might actually perish without those items, and my fridge is empty.  Then I'll go home and take Riley to piddle and take a nice, indoor, air-conditioned nap.  I'm tired.  I knew it was going to be bad when I drove over the mountains.  The moon was gorgeous and pale until I started downhill and the moon turned orange as I drove down into the smoke.  Welcome back!

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