Thursday, August 15, 2013

It's the simple things.

I can't call or text Tracy right now and tell her this, so this is a good place to make sure I don't forget to tell her.  Well, I could call or text right now, but she would be really cranky and smack down my enthusiasm.

I went to Walmart last week and bought earbuds because I didn't realize that my new iPod would come with them.  Ok, enjoy your giggle at my expense, but clearly I have never had a new iPod before!  I've never really had one at all, actually.  I used one that had someone else's music on it that was supposedly going to be mine, but that disappeared and I went back to CDs.

Thanks for my birthday present, Mom and Marty!  I finished burning (perhaps a quarter of) my CDs and finally opened the iPod box, ready to read a long and complicated instruction manual, but instead I only found a tiny brochure with a quick start guide.  The packaging was so novel and snugly put together!  What I thought would take hours took less than five minutes!  And there were earbuds!  Oh mah gad!

My iPod is charging AND synchronizing with iTunes as we speak!  I am old and out of touch!

Earbuds.  Good grief.

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