Thursday, February 20, 2014


Well, I tried to go see the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company at UNR tonight, but I didn't want to pay the extra fee to order them ahead of time, so I lost out.

It was too late for Zumba, so I talked to Shannon and came home and watched The Crash Reel. You know how much I like devastating biographical documentaries. So how can I convince you to watch it? Yes, it's about Kevin Pearce, a snowboarder every bit as good as Shaun White who suffered a traumatic brain injury just before the 2010 Olympics. Yes, it's sad and parts of it are hard to watch. But this is also about love and support from family and friends and fans and even sponsors. It's about how the people closest to him felt through the long recovery, especially when Kevin told them he'd like to snowboard again. It's about their feelings of guilt and shared responsibility as well as their encouragement and fierce protection. It's also about identity. This is a guy who was unbelievably driven to become such an incredible and capable athlete, so imagine how driven he was to recover and become the person he was before. It is heartbreaking to watch him struggle against his new and likely permanent limitations, but it is really interesting to watch him accept them. The best stories will make you laugh and cry, and this is a great story. I am going to watch it again before I send it back.

The other newsworthy item I have for you today is that I finally won my apartment complex's bingo game. I have been faithfully playing for several months now- one card at a time, three numbers a day. The first few prizes (awarded only to the first winner through their door per game) were $25 Walmart gift cards. I'd prefer the prize to be a few hundred dollars off rent, but free money is free money. Then they switched to $25 Starbucks gift cards, but I had just discovered how delicious coffee can be when it has non-coffee items mixed in it! I was down for a Starbucks gift card. It would give me a reason to try new delicious coffee mixes! But apparently the last game was it for Starbucks gift cards, so I won something else. Are you ready for this? Because I wasn't.

I shit you not. And no, there was no gift card tucked inside their stupid insulated Starbucks-free coffee mug. What in the hell is this? No, there was no finding out ahead of time what the prize would be. They announced it only after someone won a game, but they were ALL gift cards. The last winner posted a picture of her nicely packaged mug with hot chocolate and Starbucks gift card. I can't wait to see what they post about my win. "Jenny won... ! Come get your new bingo card!" What, did their new batch of gift cards not arrive in the mail yet? LAME.

I accepted my prize graciously while the office girls laughed nervously, surely wondering when I would start stomping around yelling, "That's favoritism!" Then I called Tracy and shared my deep disappointment and increasing annoyance. She laughed, but said that I won a lame prize because I am going to win a much better prize in another part of my life. If that's the tradeoff, then I fully accept this piece of poo I-Won-Bingo-And-All-I-Got-Was-This-Lousy-T-Shirt and I will not complain at all as I stuff it into my thrift store donation bag. I may use the mug. I will buy my own damn Starbucks and pour it into this lovely promotional mug and drink it down, but fuck your bingo game. Hey, at least I didn't post that on their Facebook page.

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