Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Like a chainsaw juggler in heavy traffic

This week's road is turning out to be much bumpier than I had first anticipated. It was so bumpy today that I fell out of my chair. I was scooting back and forth between my desk and my co coworker's- trying to accomplish many things quickly before the next interruption- and at one point I scooted and the chair did not. I actually just knelt down to check on what Riley was chewing on and wondered why my knee hurt. It hurts because I fell on it, and also did a number on my wrist. I ate like shit today, I need some fruit and a salad, I need a bath. The new boss for the PERC is returning tomorrow and she does not know what awaits her. We only found out Friday and she was already on vacation and nobody wanted to ruin her vacation. We're all expecting the shit to hit the fan tomorrow, but I do understand that this situation is not as big or important as it feels. There's always drama and things will eventually be fine and people will figure it out- I may understand it but it is so hard to keep that perspective from the the middle the middle of it. I have gotten a lot of compliments in the past few days at work. My fear is that no one will miss me- that they will say: What did we ever need her for? It feels really good that people seem alarmed that I am leaving. They tell me that they will miss me, that they will miss the environment I have created, they'll miss my capability, my organization, my knowledge, my management, my cleanliness, and my company. They promise to visit me and bring me Diet Cokes. They promise to invite me for lunch. They warn me that they'll call a lot with questions. They giggle about how often they ask me questions now. They can can tell when I'm just angry because I am sleep deprived or needing sugar. They know I like dark chocolate and silly sticky notes. They know that I am always half listening and can jump in with information when they are answering questions at the window. They giggle at me good-naturedly, and I do feel like I will be missed. I have invited a lot of the regulars out for a drink on Friday evening, and so far, not one person has said no.

The new place will be fine and it will be good and it will be bad and everything in between and I will like some people a lot more and I will like others a lot less and I will be in a different place and I will have to focus on what's good and try not to focus on what is sad or worse, but I do look forward to being able to focus. Today felt like trying to draw a portrait being while riding in the back of a pickup truck down a poorly maintained dirt road full of ruts. At 4:15, I had a contractor and a volunteer standing in the office asking me if I would like them to stay and help me finish something. I'm thinking I am going to go in early tomorrow because the only thing I desperately need is 20 minutes of silence. I'm trying to prepare a contingency plan for the person taking over because she's about to get hit with a shit storm. I know I cannot prepare adequately or prevent said shit storm, but my friends are taking over and I do not want them to be left with anything less than an reasonably oiled machine. I know I can't keep that place afloat for long and I have been informed that it is not my concern. I do not expect to be able to carry both places, but once everything is moved and the calls quiet down and all of my folders and sticky notes are put away and I am left with a quiet digital library, I am going to miss the hell out of that chaos.

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