Monday, January 26, 2015

To do: sleep

I've been up for an hour already. I wonder why I am not sleeping well lately.

Yesterday I took a half hour brisk walk for me and then brought Riley out for a two hour meander. We enjoyed the time outside and mostly just sat in the sunshine. We saw our neighbors on their way to walk the hill with their dogs and I felt sad that Riley is not as interested in such trips anymore. As it was, I carried her the last half block. I'm telling you- I'm going to end up getting a dog stroller no matter how stupid it looks. I'd love to be able to get my exercise walk in with my Riley walk instead of choosing one over the other. Crazy cat lady, crazy dog lady, or just plain crazy lady.

It's too late now to go back to sleep, and later I'm going to pine for my bed.

I have been ignoring the dating website, but I will venture back in. I got word at work on Friday that my move is the 30th, so I'll be leaving my post in Chaos Central for a quiet cubicle in one of the standalone buildings. I'm very sad about leaving my new found family. There's no word on the one I applied for yet, so I'll go pester HR today. I don't know which one to hope for, honestly, but Dad said to just envision the things I want, like working with good folks, a boss that supports me and demands high standards, an environment that encourages creativity and promotion, a situation that fosters healthy decisions... envision these things and let the rest go, as the universe is still sorting things out.

I'm having an easier time with that lately. My to do lists are less insane, or if they are not, I understand that they are only suggestions of what I COULD do. This weekend felt productive and full even though I did not check off my whole list, or even half.

My alarm just went off, so it's time to start my week. Of course, now I feel ready to sleep.

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