Thursday, March 12, 2015

Wake up, it's Thursday.

I finally took my tree down. Now that it’s Daylight Savings Time, I thought it may finally be time.

I’m glad I did, too. Last night a friend stopped by to pick up the snowboard, and I used the opportunity to motivate myself to charge through the cleaning, and I think I should invite people over more often. I was thinking, actually, of inviting someone over to dinner each week so I have to clean the house AND cook. It’s amazing what I can get done in a half hour with the right motivation.

I had a nice weekend that I started telling you about, but never posted. I went out to breakfast on Friday, my scheduled day off for no reason. It was busy, but not insane like on the weekends, so when I asked for my Otis style spudz extra crispy, that’s exactly what I got. OMG yum. I also went to get my hair cut at the beauty school, and had a lovely conversation with the student. She said she had been a little down about the financial strain of school, but that talking to me made her feel better. That made me feel pretty good. We had a good time talking. Her instructor knows me pretty well by now, and smirks at the picture I keep bringing back, because I no longer get that haircut, but she knows what I want and translates to the students. The students are always so careful, and they never cut too much. Then they call the instructor over to check, and she zips her scissors through my hair with such confidence, setting a new base or whatever they call it, and the student takes over again. At the end, the instructor comes back, checking the length of the layers and touching it up a bit, then does the face framing with the razor while the student asks questions. $5 for the haircut- plus a generous tip for the student- is an unbelievable price for feeling like you’re in a shampoo ad.

I went shoe shopping because DSW was offering a free yoga bag with every $30 purchase, and I desperately need a yoga bag. I didn’t find anything I loved, so I just made a sad face and went on my way.

I’m hoping for one that stows the yoga mat underneath, leaving room in the tote for blocks and my yoga clothes. I have seen them, but most seem to be a bag for the mat alone, giving you yet another thing to carry.

I will find you, yoga bag. No matter how long it takes, no matter how far. I will find you.

On Saturday, I allowed myself to be coaxed into going to the hot springs with friends. I was bathing suit concerned, but Amanda said she’d wear boy shorts in solidarity, so how could I say no? I went, I sat in the extremely hot hot tub, I dog paddled in the 98 degree pool. I took swimming lessons when I was younger, but had clearly retained nothing, so Nataliia taught me how. We practiced swimming back and forth through the children hoarding pool noodles, and Nataliia told me that I was a strong swimmer, and faster than her. That was exciting news, so I may be slightly less concerned on boats from now on. When we’d finally had enough, we shivered our way through the locker room and went out to dinner.

Sunday was quiet- just laid around and watched movies, did some chores. I’m so thrilled that my place is all nice and vacuumed and the tree is put away. I kept eyeing it, adding it to my to do list… but it took a beer and a few Roseanne episodes to finally pack it all up.

I just made a dental appointment with my new insurance! That only took me until March too. Good grief. I am also slightly behind in this year’s Goodreads challenge, but I belong to Audible now, and I just finished The Accidental Tourist. (It was on sale.) I really liked that one. Next up is Five Days at Memorial, which sounds like it’s going to be just awful, but compelling. You know how I love disasters.

I canceled a credit card that I wasn’t using. I have paid off my military buyback and set up an automatic transfer for that same amount into savings on paydays. I’m about to get a step increase. I’m going to see a play tonight with friends. My place is clean. I’m teaching the grammar, reading, and writing portions of an educational program at work. There’s Cards Against Humanity with friends on Friday, and a weekend with Nik in April. I’ve been tracking and fine tuning my blood sugar, and walking every day. Tomorrow is payday.


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