Thursday, March 5, 2015

It's a Thriday

Finally finished the Gustav Klimt puzzle. I always feel ready to start a new one immediately after finishing the last one, but my enthusiasm slows about halfway through and the cat's pushing pieces off the table...

Guess who was out on a leash today! That's right- Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown Dog! Some asshole must have notified Animal Control. :D It was really nice to see Leroy out walking with his pack. He was very excited to see me, but we didn't get to say hi. That's a little sad, but I'm happy that his owner loves him enough to do what's necessary. He'll be safe, and those walks will exercise his brain and help him bond more with his people. Love you, Leroy.

I'm thrilled to be off work tomorrow. It's a random get-shit-done day off. It's not a payday weekend, so there's not much danger of having too much fun. This is good, because I have a lot of shit to do, including taking down my Christmas tree. Yes, really.

I'm figuring out the process at my new space, and my schedule has been adjusted to accommodate yoga. The only barrier now is packing yoga clothes to change into. Seems to be working, because I'm going. I've also been keeping my food log and blood sugars, which is a giant pain in the ass. Two of the PERC folks told me today that it looks like I'm losing weight. I haven't been at it too long,  but I'll accept the encouragement.

I taught a class this week on grammar. It's for the School at Work program, and I feel like it went pretty well! I'll be covering the next several classes, actually. Next up are reading and writing. How neat is that? I feel very honored to be asked, and everyone in the class was very kind and receptive. I'm excited to go back next week.

For right now, I get to putter around and not watch the clock, and go to bed when I get there. I remembered to turn my alarm off. Tomorrow: get up when I feel like it. I know some people only take vacation for trips, and some just for days off, but I think a mix is necessary. I have got to do this more often.

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