Thursday, May 14, 2015

Here and beered

Woke up early from pre-trip anxiety, packed up the car, and left by 7:30.

Riley was on a tranquilizer that kept her calmer than usual, so after about twenty minutes of panting, she gave up, laid down, and watched dog TV.

I stopped 1/3 of the way to pee and refuel, then we stopped again about 2/3 and I intended that to be it. I was right outside of Grapevine, and it should have been smooth sailing to Dad's, but the traffic was hideous almost as soon as I came down from the hills. It took me two and a half hours to get through L.A.

It wasn't very hot outside, but we weren't moving much, so I kept Riley cool by keeping the windows down in traffic, and periodically pouring a little water over the old washcloth I'd laid across her back. I'd rub her head, ears, and back with the wet cloth, then leave it on her. She seemed to really dig that, and would give me this grateful look. So between that rag and the drugs, her total panting time was almost zero.

We finally got in by around 6:30, and Dad had beer and burgers waiting. We went for a walk, then crashed pretty hard.

I'm here! Yay!

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