Friday, May 22, 2015

Home again

On Monday, Dad had to go to work early, so I got up and slowly got everything ready to go- attempting to avoid traffic in LA. I went to breakfast, washed and dried my sheets and put them back on the guest bed, put away all the cds I'd burned, re-alphabetized the cds... gave Riley her drugs, and hit the road by noon.

I got stuck in a traffic jam in LA, then hit more traffic... then finally made it to El Tejon where another woman was attempting to walk her old dog. She commiserated with me, and I totally let her think the reason why Riley couldn't walk straight was because of her age. I stopped again somewhere 3 hours later- probably around Lost Hills, because that whole area is the Bermuda Zone. I'm not just calling it that because I am tired.

My last stop was in Auburn  (I try to stop in places I like the names of), where I got some tacos and Riley's drugs wore off. I almost made it to Reno with just two stops, but there isn't much choice when urine need of a bathroom.

At home, Mini doted on us as much as possible as we staggered to our beds. Mini promptly curled up on me and stayed curled up against me all night.

I had Tuesday off, so I lazed around, unpacked, and went to see Mad Max at the fancy theater. That was a lot of fun. The rest of the week went fast, of course, and now I have a three day weekend, because I am getting this vacation thing down.

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