Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Two days in pictures

It's so true, that last section of a puzzle will always be completed before bedtime! That was from a listicle, I believe they're called, about puzzle addicts or something like that. One item noted the attempt to get puzzle time in before work, which I am totally guilty of.

I found this puzzle at Goodwill, and I suspected it was Body Worlds, so I went online to check. That's where I learned about plastination and the fact that these were real people who donated their bodies to science. Well, I guess it wasn't creepy enough already.  My German-speaking friend says the translation is actually World of Bodies, which I think makes more sense than Body Worlds. I have been mistakenly calling it Body Works for years, which I think is a way better name.

It has been raining a little more this week after a surprising amount of rain throughout May. The #1 obligatory Nevada resident statement is "We need the rain," and the standard reply is "It's not going to make a difference," but the news said that Lake Tahoe is just about where it should be! I'm learning that we all just repeat what we hear and rarely go verify anything for ourselves. I look up a lot, but I'm always surprised by the things I find myself blithely repeating.

Yes, I've got Jasmine this week, and it's nice to see her. She looks good but smelled bad, so I gave her a bath. That dog will do anything you ask, but reluctantly. She smells so pretty now. I got them both going with their kibble in the treat balls this morning, and it was fun to watch Jasmine. She's able to keep pace with me, so we got in an exercise walk today.

I did my sale shopping today at Smith's wrangled well. I'm doing much better with buying less produce more often.

I made it home before becoming completely debilitated with horrendous cramps, and curled up with my heating pad and my heating pad loving cat. That first picture is her perched on my belly, which was actually helpful. After today, I am done trying to deal with this with naproxen. I'm going back to the doctor for some help.

I have been rearranging things to find easier ways to put things away rather than down. I figured out that Riley has better vision than hearing, and that she likes to have her back to a corner with a good vantage point. She seems very comfortable in this spot.

The puzzle is done! (Thought I would make it interactive for you.)

I have a lot to get done tomorrow and I keep resting my eyes while typing, so I'm going to wander off to bwd. Goodnight.

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