Thursday, July 30, 2015

Batter Upright

Last night’s softball game:


I begged the universe to send nothing to right field so I could just stress out over batting. During the third inning, I was first up to hit. I’d been low and late, was still stressed from trying to get through traffic, not looking forward to playing, and worried about my blood sugar. In the outfield, I walk up to the orange dots for female batters and run back to the fence for the guys. The lineup alternates, and they use a lighter ball for females. It may be sexist, but moving up seems to be a sound theory, and makes me want to practice batting enough to become a pro at hitting over the outfielders’ heads.


I had to run in, throw down my glove, pick up a bat, and get right in the batter’s box. I hit the ball on the first pitch during my first (and only) at bat. It was a weak grounder, and the pitcher ran to pick it up, but I ran it out anyway- my teammates cheering me on from the dugout. I saw the ball arrive at first base before I did, but tagged the orange bag and my team roared- the first baseman had dropped the ball, and I was safe. Cristine came out to be my base coach, and I made it to second on the next batter. Cristine said this time I had to run no matter what. Kristen hit, I saw the ball hit the ground and hauled ass for third.


It took me a moment to widen my focus- I was so intent on being ready to run home that I didn’t understand why the pitcher was walking past me. He was one of those really good-looking guys that knows it, and he turned his head to stare at me, smirking. Somebody somewhere called “Out!” and I finally realized that Kristen had been picked off at first, and I wasn’t going to get to try for home. “And nobody tells me?” I say, and the tall first baseman heading to the dugout laughs, but not unkindly, so I start imagining what our life together will be like. It’s hard not to boyfriend shop at this place- they all look good in their shorts and athletic abilities. But I digress.


We lost the game 14-1, but Cristine said she’s played that team in higher leagues, and they should still be there. The umpire agreed, but I don’t imagine anything will come from that. It’s poopy, though, because this is supposed to be just one step up from Can’t Play At All. The game ended early due to some mercy rule, so I found myself done after the 4th inning. Cristine invited me to join her family and a couple teammates at Steak & Shake, and I spent the rest of the evening enjoying funny stories and a guacamole steakburger. Now, THAT I can do.

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