Sunday, July 12, 2015

Busy Bee

I got a fantastic coaching session in softball today. I'll be playing on a team with Cristine and Kristen next week, Gaaahhhh!

I'm a little nervous, of course, but they assure me it's almost the lowest tier you can play. Both of them play a lot of sports, and they feel like I will be fine, but they're on board with helping me  practice more before the games start, so it looks like I'll be getting lots of exercise this week.

I never want to go, but I'm always glad I did. My tennis instructor said if we're gonna play tennis, we shouldn't play anything else, but I am not that serious yet. I'm enjoying all these different things. For one, it feels more like play. You're never going to get me into a gym with machines. Actually, maybe I shouldn't say that. I keep surprising myself. But anyway, I like the variety and finding out the recurring themes: stay on the balls of your feet, watch the ball all the way to the connection, get in front of it, follow through, stop trying to kill it. I was taught how to throw. Let me just have a moment to process that.

I'm tired. We were out there for a couple hours, and the games should only be one, but I found myself saying to Cristine that I needed to start running. Hold the phone- what?

I don't know who I am and what I did with your daughter, your sister, your friend.

What I do know is I have to go get ready for this week, because that's tentatively
Monday: tennis lesson
Tuesday: practice softball
Wednesday: yoga class and tennis lesson
Thursday: practice softball
Friday: see the endocrinologist about the insulin pump, then have C&K over for dinner
Saturday: Superhero beer crawl

Who knows if I'll do all that, but it sure sounds like fun. Also, today was 26 days with no diet soda. Yeaaaahhhhh!!!!

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