Wednesday, July 22, 2015

First Game

Who had the idea to let me play softball? Who thought it would be a good idea to put me on a team? Especially a team that doesn't practice? Holy shit... 

Tonight was my first softball game. I didn't play well, but Cristine and Amanda said I did good. Cristine was happy that I hit the ball. Argghhhh but oh well. I'll get better, I'm sure. I'm also sure I'll make some stupid mistakes on the way, hurt myself somehow, have fun, and drink a good amount of beer.

Our team name is Prestige Worldwide. This (and the picture below) is a joke from Stepbrothers that I don't remember, so I guess I'll have to watch that again. When the jerseys were handed out, I volunteered to take 0. I'll be the underdog.

Pregame selfies and beer. Next week is another shot at glory and redemption. Amanda did great, of course, as did Cristine, because they're awesome and know how to play. Kristen is on a trip- she'll be back next week. I'm excited that tomorrow I get to come home, walk Riley, and watch Cupcake Wars, where people stress out over important things like frosting consistency and event-appropriate decorations.

It was a seriously beautiful night. The park sits a little above Reno, and there was a gorgeous cotton candy sunset. The pink and blue clouds were visible in the full 360 degrees, and while I didn't know what I was doing, I was sure happy to be out there in the fabulous weather against this pretty, pretty backdrop. It was the perfect night for clueless softball.

I got this picture right after the game, and it hopefully gives you just a hint of how beautiful and true those colors were.

I needed a minute to wind down before I could go to bed, and I'm pretty sure I'm ready.

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