Saturday, October 24, 2015

Old Friends and Girl Groups

Now that I am TWO MONTHS overdue, let me catch up on these blogs.

It was really nice to see Camille and Jesus (Hello!) and we ran around and did much talking, driving, listening to music, and sightseeing.

One day we walked around midtown, bought chocolate, and checked out an antique store. I turned the tag so you could see the inventive spelling.

We checked out the museum at the Nevada Historical Society and got lots of Camille & Jesus' questions about Reno answered, but not the one about why I was not allowed to try my luck on the giant slot machine.

One night we bought food and went to a drive-in movie theater. I think this was Noble Pie- is that right? Anyway, Jesus ordered the Hey Zeus. We saw Fantastic Four and Ant Man. Dad told me that I have surely been to a drive-in before, but not that I remember. That was pretty awesome.

Jesus' sister's wedding was in Tahoe, and I took this picture for Mom.

There was some smoke in the air, but it cleared up before the wedding.

We had plenty of vegan restaurant options for Jesus, and I tried lots of new things. I don't remember what this was, but it was very good, and the picture's not bad either.

As is customary in my world, I like to cram as much into a day as possible- the less realistic the goal, the better. Thankfully, Camille and Jesus were game. This was from our busiest sightseeing day. We stopped for chocolate at the Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory (I like car trips with people who have their priorities in order.), and sampled it out front before we got back in the hot car and slalomed up to Virginia City. I ate this for Mom (the sacrifices I make), because I would normally bypass caramel, but this sounded so good and she is so right. I ate some nuts beforehand to slow any spike, and I enjoyed every moment of this thing. The sign cracks me up, though, because no matter where you put the "LIGHT," it sounds silly. I'm pretty sure there's nothing light about this whatsoever.

Camille and Jesus are both big into history, so we were trying to hit as many interesting places as possible. Virginia City (and Gold Hill, Silver City) is a neat place to go look around. I'm giving you the breakneck slide show right now. Actually, that's what Camille and Jesus got too. It's hard- there are so many things I want to show visitors!

We stopped to look around as much as possible, but on this day, we had to get them back up to Tahoe by early evening, so we were moving pretty fast.

Because this was two months ago and I don't retain information well, I forget all the details about this house. What I do remember is that this top floor was used as some kind of meeting space, and the participants would use the stairs and climb through the window. That seems asinine, but that kept them from galavanting through the rest of the house.

This is the entrance to the house from the street above. So weird, right?

This is that staircase from the lower street.

Here's the front of the house. The stairs are to the right.

This is the rearview of several stores from the street below. From the front, they're all old timey and look much better. I like this view. I will say, though, that seeing the sagging balcony of a popular restaurant made me less inclined to eat outside.

Again, this was one day. I added up my miles when I got home. I tend to get a lot in when people come to visit, but this was impressive!

Camille and Jesus, it was really neat to see you- I'm so glad you were able to come out here. I think of our conversations often. I had a really good time, and I hope you did too. I'll have to figure out a way to get to Boston so you can show me around- even if it's at breakneck speed.

Camille, it was awesome to have you in my passenger seat again. I missed that a lot.

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