Thursday, March 17, 2016

If only there was a two hour delay tomorrow...

It's already past 9:00! I don't think I'm going to do any editing today, mostly because I want to be asleep soon. I keep getting lots of praise and encouragement from my reviewer, so I am trying to take confidence from that and not be a perfectionist about it. What's hard is learning as I go- so I see things or change my mind regarding how something should be written, and I have no idea which questions I have already published a different way. But those things can be fixed later.

I realized today that each time I have take the DiSC assessment, I get a different secondary trait. My primary is always a D, which is dominance, but I'm all over the place on the secondary, which I giggle at because that's kind of totally me. I'll drive, but I have no idea where we're going.

I had my tennis drill tonight and it felt very good to be back out there. We're getting the Joint Commission visit at work, and today we caught wind that they were coming to our site, so that lit a fire under our asses. We all felt we were good, but kept finding things to fix. These are things like: no cardboard boxes are allowed on the floor. This is a cardboard-gets-wet-and-things-start-living-in-it kind of problem, not a we're-just-creating-things-to-hassle-you-about problem.

I used that motivation to get my desk under control and now it looks all pretty. That felt pretty good. I also found out that I already did one of those big awful euuurrgghhh things on my work to do list and handed it to the next person involved and found out today that it's well on its way! I was about to start it again because I had almost no memory of doing it. Sheesh.

So that felt good, and tennis felt good. My blood sugar was at 98 about halfway through, so I ate some straight sugar and made it through the intense part fine. It's hard to get enough straight sugar in in the first place, and then you need to wait before eating any complex carbs or protein to let your sugar come up while you're doing an intense activity. I ate dinner right afterwards, but crashed again at the tail end of grocery shopping. Apparently, exercise changes how much insulin you need, which means you could be a calculus wizard, and still be soundly defeated by diabetes math. HA! Now, THAT'S a college level math class!

I wore my new exercise capris with the pocket today. I may have purchased one size too large. I am not thrilled about trying other ones and outlining the contours even more, but nobody pointed and laughed, so there's that.

Mini is staring wide-eyed at my shirt, which makes me paranoid that something's crawling on me or she's just wigging out and is about to attack me anyway.

I dragged in all my groceries in one trip while still recuperating from the low, and with bags falling out of my grip. It was ridiculous. I am ridiculous.

Now I need to go get Riley out and answer these boys back about scheduling time to meet them this weekend. My hopes aren't super high, but they all seem genuine, and the plans are things I enjoy anyway, so it'll be good regardless.

Super busy, super tired, super happy.

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