Monday, June 6, 2016

The lights come on at 10:30

All I really want to do right now is write and process all these wonderful things I was just discussing with Dad, but why is it always time to get ready for bed?

Jackson is here- the impish wonder that is Amanda and Natalia's dog, and Riley has gotten used to him. Solo is busy hiding. Yesterday I spent all day rearranging furniture- sometimes the same piece 10 or 12 times because I can't picture what it looks like or if it will work until I see it. Thank god for those little plastic slider discs with the foam on one side- I was sliding furniture all over the place. I was too sore to sleep last night.

I like it better now- or for now, anyway. I think it will work better for my purposes, and Mini got a new cat shelf situation that she LOVES without costing me any more money or holes in the wall. When I did my lease renewal, I found out my security deposit was only $200. Hahahahaha.

I have to edit a paper before I can go to bed, and I am hoping to sleep tonight, but I wanted to put something down because I am busy accomplishing shit over here, and I want to document that. My wonderfully vague yet relevant horoscope says I am to balance valid greed and obligatory sharing, and I think those terms are timely, interesting, and laughably Jenny.

I am feeling stress, and I am trying to translate it to good things. I do feel good things around me, but I want this time- the time I need to write and think and produce. I am learning how to use my strengths to my advantage, and those things are neat- when I hit on one, it's like being catapulted ahead. I'm also learning to stop berating myself, when there are so many other people who can do that for me.

Thanks for the talk, Dad.

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