Thursday, December 8, 2016

Cold and joggy

Mini wakes up and winces at me every time I move. Tonight was tennis, and the courts were almost dry even though there was snow this morning. I had two juice boxes and a granola bar at tennis, plus cheese and crackers and chocolate before I even left. Still haven't given myself a bolus for it, and I stopped at In & Out for a double double. I bypassed the bucket o' fries and ate the burger at home with some fresh steamed broccoli, thank you very much.

It was a good lesson. On Monday, we forgot to rewind the lights, so we had to wait for about 10 or 15 minutes in the dark while they reset. It was way too cold to stand still, so my coach kept us running around doing drills. We also jogged. I confessed that it was the most I'd jogged since tech school and asked if we could incorporate that into every lesson. We made two loops that night, and tonight he pushed me for three. Dammit, but ok.

I just finished listening to the first Game of Thrones book. It definitely had me hooked, but I did find myself asking the same questions I ask every time I think about war. I know I'll want to listen to the next one, but not yet, because I need a shorter, happier book in betwen. At least.

Ma, I love how the cubby and the round table look. Thanks for your help on those! And after a couple misfires, I did find a plate holder to display the mask Ant made.

Ant's moving back in with Chris. He seems happy about that, so I will be encouraging. He still comes to have dinner here, just not as often as I'd like. He is busy and I am busy, but there are worse things.

I have grand plans for baking and putting up my tree, but I am busy running around and that's the part I see as potentially derailing me. I definitely want to get the tree up in time to enjoy it.

It did snow last night and it was beautiful! I'm happy I live so close to work- it sounds like a lot of people had trouble this morning.

Oh, and in other ridiculous diabetes news, I have been wearing the sensor almost regularly. I need help to put it on and Ant's visits are not regular enough, so I pester Sarah. I try to have it on for my tennis lessons so I can avoid situations like tonight, but sometimes I just can't keep my blood sugar up. An unexpected complication happened when I was getting ready to go play. I put on a tank under a longsleeve shirt, then put on a pullover and my jacket. I checked my pump and found that the sensor had a weak signal. The damn receiver was blocked by too many layers of clothing. Sigh...
I changed to a lighter pullover and that fixed the problem, but seriously, there is always some ridiculous challenge lurking. This thing can read the signal from 6 feet away, but not through a body part, or even three layers of clothing! Don't be a diabetic in the cold, guys. And every night its alarm jangles me awake, telling me the signal is weak or lost altogether. I'm considering running the tubing up and wearing the pump in an arm band right next to the sensor so that it has no more excuses. I am a side sleeper, and no matter which side, I lose the signal. Sheesh.

But! I have good news to share too.
1) I told my coach I squirm when people ask if I play tennis, because I take lessons- I don't meet up to just play very often. He said I should tell them I play. "Oh, you definitely a tennis player," he said, and that felt very nice. Tonight was good- I was hitting well and hard, and he is making a tennis player out of me, despite diabeetus and my occasional clumsiness. Tonight I actually stepped on my own shoe. But I also put some spin on the ball, kept it low over the net, and returned some hard shots.
2) My massage therapist (dammit, Tracy) told me I am developing biceps! WHAAA!?!?!

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