Sunday, April 30, 2017

Productive Sundays are much better than the usual.

Today was a nice day. I had a massage this morning, then I went to kickball practice. I stole this picture from a friend because I clearly had to.

I haven't been to tennis in a few weeks due to my coach's schedule, my schedule, and my crazy health problems. I got really sick right after Vancouver, and I was struggling just to be at work. I've been really tired and my kickball skills have been sad and gimpy, thanks to my nonstop hip pain. Maybe it was the massage or maybe I'm just finally feeling better, but I started playing like I did at our first practice when I felt like this was going to be fun.

Our pitcher was out today, so I got to step in for part of the practice. I haven't had a steady position yet because we all swapped out during the first game. For the second game, the other team didn't have enough players so they has to forfeit. We lent them a couple of our players and played for fun, and I ended up being catcher with horrible stomach pain and very hurty hips. Our last game got canceled due to work being done on the fields, and I'm kind of looking forward to playing tomorrow night. I hope I feel as good then as I did today. I caught a good handful of balls today, and that hasn't happened for me in a game yet.

For the rest of the day, I did laundry, cleaned, and picked up after myself. I am amazed at how rarely I put things away. It feels like I'm always running somewhere, so that's a good excuse for being messy, but it's overwhelming in a bad way. I spent today trying to prepare for the week and making my future self happy. I took a nice movie break in the middle, but I made myself keep busy until 8, then started watching the BFG, as recommended by Ant.

I won't make it through the movie tonight- I'm already half asleep- but it's nice that so many things are already done and I won't have to do much tonight or tomorrow morning.

I got to spend a few hours with Ant on Wednesday, and we had a nice evening. I made his favorite dinner, but he jumped in to help during the crucial mixing time. He loves his spaghetti carbonara, and his general policy is that we need more cheese.

After dinner, he helped me carry down the recycle and thrift store donations. We dropped those off and headed to Baked Bear, where he got an ice cream sandwich with a brownie on one side and an m&m cookie on the other, with cookie dough ice cream and crushed Reese's Peanut Butter Cups on the outside. Thankfully, I was low and got to sample it heavily.

We had a really nice conversation over those several hours, and while some parts were aggravating in the way that talking to a knucklehead teenager can be, it was overall really interesting and warm. He is a good kid and I always feel lucky to spend time with him. We talked a lot about his dad's current Jerry Springer level drama, and Ant told me that he thinks if he hadn't seen how his dad treated me, he would probably behave in the same way and never think a thing of it. He is also aware of my influences on him, but I tell him and everyone else who tries to give me too much credit that I might have been instrumental, but it's his heart that's always been open. He is a kind and loving person, and I am very proud of him.

I know I have letters to write and projects to start or finish, and I am trying to figure out how to manage my time a little better. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by stuff and I'm trying to do some purging and organizing. I'm halfway through my class, and the one I'm reaching is almost over! There are career options I'm looking into and I'm trying to become a better friend, a fit athlete, a healthy eater, an effective organizer, and a confident single with a dating life. I've also been thinking about dogs, because I never feel like there's enough on my plate.

I love that I'm busy, and I think a lot about how untethered I am right now. I do not feel like tethering at the moment, but I can get whims. Like this blog, which has no direction, but can be fun anyway.

Alright, that's enough. I just wanted to share this. I know I have Vancouver stuff to post. So many things to do...

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