Saturday, July 6, 2019

Yesterday felt pretty good

There are so many habits I want to incorporate that I hit about one a month. Hello, blog.

Today I read a car seat manual and learned how to safely transport a baby, then took my neighbors to the store.

I met friends for lunch at a delicious place that I don't go to enough. 

Then I made a new rule that I can't eat at restaurants alone anymore because I do it too often and I'll do it anyway, and I stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get dinner makings.

I took my car through the wash and my winter blankets to the laundromat (ok, so it took me a while) and read my book while they dried. (Yeah! I read a book!)

At home I made everyone's dinner and watched Zodiac while working on my puzzle, then finally took poor Gus for a walk instead of just potties. 

Things are still a mess inside and out, but today I did things, which is great. A neighbor is breaking her lease and asked me to tell her when someone new moves in, because I am always coming and going. "If anyone's gonna know what's going on, it's you," she said. It's nice to know that's true in some areas, anyway. 

This week I like Kacey Musgaves' Wonder Woman.

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