Thursday, August 8, 2019

Making room

I think in my head about good and bad and sideways things to share and I just can't get here to write them.

Tonight I want to write but I agreed to pick Jefe up at ungodly o'clock so we can go get his moving truck because I also agreed to help him move. Whenever I say I'm helping someone move, people tell me, "Wow, you're nice." That makes me wonder how they move. Do you not help your friends move?

So I should be packing and preparing for tomorrow instead of writing, but I have to. I want to write about how sad I am and how pissed off I am at all couples for having someone to run out to get Greek yogurt for the dog at 9 pm while the other unloads the dishwasher and cleans the kitchen. I hope Jefe doesn't need to put anything in the trunk of my car because it's full of books for work that I should have unloaded at the office when I was there this morning. I'd also like to hand wash my expensive bra because that's what it says to do so it can dry tomorrow while I wear shitty moving clothes. Not too shitty though, because I have an appointment tomorrow and nobody knows the work Jenny from the day off Jenny.

I'm trying to buy finger foods these days because I eat standing in my kitchen while heating homemade dog food and medicating the cat. What exercise? What PT? The podcast lady tells me I need a schedule.

A friend posted this and I shared it with coworkers. We all found different words that felt very relevant to our current situations.

Today I trained a new coworker on one of my roles that she's going to be taking over. I am beyond relieved that someone else gets to tame this beast and that because she was sitting there watching, I felt justified in ignoring everything else that swatted for my attention. She also projects calm, and recognizes my need to help everyone, so she tells me when to stop it.

I volunteered to help move tomorrow despite the increasing pain I'm having in my shoulder, and my appointment tomorrow is for PT. Today I thought I should help because I agreed to, but not kill myself or my shoulder in the process, and when it's time for the appointment, it's time for me to stop for the day. I can go back and help the next day if I'm needed, but after that appointment, it's time to go home and nap. Or watch a movie. Or cuddle the animals. Or all three.

My three words were purpose, creation, and self care, none of which I have going on right now. It's been interesting to see how these things pop up in every corner- constant reminders that I am not leaving room for them.

Wish me strength and energy tomorrow... and the ability to say no.

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