Tuesday, September 15, 2020

I'm just thinking about my paper solution

Things I wanted to share:

The other day I went to use my oven and it started beeping at me. New lights were flashing and it wouldn't turn on. I didn't understand what was wrong and I was dismayed that I was going to have to put in a work order and maybe it wouldn't work anymore. The next day I forgot I thought the oven wasn't working and pushed the buttons in the correct order and it turned right on. I even realized just before I hit the last button that the day before I'd been pushing on the button to the left and THAT'S why it was yelling at me. I forgot how to use my oven. This is why I have electric. In my defense, it's been a hot summer. I'm grateful I didn't put in a work order.

Work order completed. Resident forgot how to operate oven.

Also this week, I found mini ice cream cones at Trader Joe's. I have never wanted ice cream in a cone in my whole damn life but I saw these things and became a convert without even having tasted one. I was not wrong. They are called Hold the Cone and the flavor I got is chocolate. I don't even know what to tell you. I feel like Ratatouille over here with this flavor combination. Why didn't anyone tell me? They are 11g apiece and that is an ample dessert size in this house.

I ordered The Paper Solution which was written by one of my favorite podcasters, and I have actually been reading a physical book. I thought I would have heard it all in scattered places on the podcast, but I've learned some new things that seem very obvious once someone else lays them out for you. For example, when you're trying to sort through all your papers, you need to find a place to do that work. 


You mean I should not create piles of like items on the floor in front of the entertainment center and in the path of my animals (one that is blind) as they go in and out through the pet door all day? You mean that I should have a designated workspace and trash, recycle, and shred boxes at the ready instead of kneeling over migrating piles? How did you know that I end up stacking them all together when people come over? Good grief. So that's a project. 

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