Friday, March 11, 2011

Check this out, Mom!

I am getting sooooo tiiiiirrreeeeddddd....zzzzzz

but it was a good day.  I got up on my first day of spring break to go get stabbed at the VA.  Boooooo.  But Chris drove me so I didn't have to park five blocks away.  It's such a nice deal- I go get stabbed, he goes to get a coffee... but once I'm in a lab chair I text him so he can head back.  When I left the hospital he was driving up the street.  Nice!

We went to Michael's to look at paper for our wedding invitations.  I always tell him he should be grateful that I have a quirky style and not something he hates but this is my moment to say how grateful I am that he is willing to go compare paper and consider envelopes and color schemes.  :D

I went to my doctor's appointment alone while he tried to nap off his New Glasses Migraine.  (He gets one free pair a year and last year he lost them within a month, I think.)  My doctor had some good news for me.  You can't see what this says, but...

That's my A1C.  6.5.  And those dates along the bottom are the last six years.  For those of you who don't know what this means, allow me to translate.  A1C is an average of how your blood sugar has been over the past three months.  A meter can only give you an average of your readings; A1C gives the average of everywhere your blood sugar has been- monitored or not.  The number translates to a range of blood sugar readings and the goal for diabetics is under 7.  For the first time ever, I am under 7.

The doctor printed this for me and I have never been so careful with a piece of paper.  I wanted to frame it.  I texted Dad and here is his response:

"OMG. Nice Jen. That beats my best of 6.8."

Now I know I'm really cooking because Dad is a very well behaved diabetic.  I was so gleeful and I couldn't wait to get home to show Chris.  On the way I thought about how my endocrinologist changed my insulin ratio and how that was the reason... but then I decided to chuck that thinking.  Sure, I needed the help but if I hold myself responsible for the high numbers, why can't I congratulate myself for the low numbers too?  I need to be proud because while I haven't lost any weight, I have been working hard to limit my cravings and portions.  I lose sometimes :D  but I have been working hard, dammit.

Just last night Chris woke me up to see the tsunami as it was happening, somewhere around midnight.  I was really upset about being woken up and immediately had to sit up so I wouldn't vomit.  He got me water and made me test but before I even got the kit I figured out what was wrong: I hadn't taken my nighttime shot.  Recently I set an alarm on my phone to take that shot, my kidney protector and my natural relax-and-go-to-sleep-now pill.  I got distracted and took the pills but never made it to the fridge.  Chris, who was calling everyone who was up (and a few who weren't) in order to be the bearer of bad news, told somebody over the phone,

"Hold on, I've got a diabetic here that's not taking care of herself."

This morning (long after the retort would be relevant), I reminded Chris that out of 365 nights, I miss maybe two a year.  If I did my math right (and there's no guarantee of that), that means I remember to take my shot 99% of the time.  Doesn't it suck that 99% isn't good enough?  It is amazing how sick I feel if I don't get that shot within a couple hours.

Anyway, so I learned that when that alarm goes off, I need to stop whatever I'm doing and go take my shot.  But now we're somewhere else.  Where were we supposed to be going?

Ah yes, so sometimes I goof but a change in ratio alone would not yield these results.  After 10 years of 1 unit to 15 carbs, seeing a piece of bread or applesauce or fruit in terms of 15s, correcting 1 unit per 50 points, I had to recalibrate.  Corrections are now counted in 40s.  Working with a smaller ratio means not rounding the sixes and fours.  Suddenly I have to look at it all differently, like it's all new again.  So go me, goddammit.

I came home and handed Chris the paper without saying a word.  I watched his face but it was his voice that conveyed his feelings.  It was soft and quiet.  He pulled me to him, crushing the paper and me.  I got kisses, kisses, and more kisses.  He was SO happy.  :D

We took the dogs to the park and walked the loop while Jasmine chased her monster and Riley hunted squirrels.  Riley scampered and ran the WHOLE TIME.  She also kept trying to get into the stinky creek remnants, but I managed to convince her otherwise.  Last time she came out with solid black legs.  Gross.

At home, Chris and Ant packed up for their drive down to Gardnerville.  I'm sad because the Coasters are playing and Chris is doing their sound, but someone had to stay and take care of the dogs.  They are grateful, I'm sure.  Tomorrow we'll go meet Jody at Rattlesnake Mountain and the girls will burn some more energy.

I wanted to get some necessary evils out of the way during spring break so tomorrow will be a good time to do them- take advantage of a quiet house, defeat procrastination so this caca isn't hanging over me all week.  It's only a break if it FEELS like a break, right?  So there are benefits to being left behind, thought Chris still wants me to drive out for the show.

At 5:30, I went to meet my coworkers at a restaurant for a goodbye party for one of the counselors.  The restaurant was crowded and we were sitting at a long table, so we didn't all get to interact but it was a good time anyway.  I was surprised and happy that almost everyone was there.  The food was awesome.  At my end of the table, we decided to order dishes we could share so I sampled their fish and chips, chicken wings, shrimp scampi, avocado egg rolls, fried artichoke, and fancy mac & cheese.  The avocado egg rolls were the big hit and I have leftover macaroni in the fridge.  The mac was on this special menu of tiny items meant to be added to your meal.  With a salad, that would have been a great meal, and the total including both would be around 6 or 7 bucks.  The beer was just as much but it was tasty.  I am really happy to see restaurants offering these tiny choices, especially for dessert.  No one needs a giant slab of Death By Chocolate cake.  Olive Garden and Applebee's have little dessert cups and even they are large enough to share, but it's not overkill.

So now I'm full and exhausted, so I'm going to put on a movie and pass out.  Goodnight.

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