Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is it Friday yet?

I just dragged myself away from an extra french dip sandwich.  It was tough, but I did it.  Whew!

School is going... yep, it's going.  It's hard to believe next week is spring break.  I bet it won't be as exciting as last year, huh?

We got a treadmill today from Ant's friend's dad.  The dogs were excited and terrified but we got them both going with cookies.  Kind of defeats the purpose, but whatever.

My dissolving stitches may be dissolved on the inside but there's a piece hanging out from the puncture wound and it is starting to get very irritated.  The doctor said it would eventually fall off or if I was so inclined, I could pull on it and it would break.  Um, no.  I pulled a tiny bit yesterday- the lightest tug that wouldn't have torn a piece of toilet paper.  Chris offered but I keep envisioning pulling a loose thread on clothing and watching everything pull tight.  Ugh.  I googled dissolvable stitches and kept finding strong suggestions not to pull it.  One lady said she pulled it and got several infections as a result.  It is getting extremely uncomfortable and looks pretty angry so I plan to crash the VA tomorrow and see if the doctor will take a look.  He's only there on Wednesdays and every other Tuesday and I saw him last Tuesday so I suffered through today.  I'm pretty sure he'll take five minutes to see me.  He can call me a wuss, I don't mind.

Jennyway, that's it for tonight.  I'll try to write more (entertaining) blogs soon.

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