Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mystery Solved

At least once a day for the last week I have come home to find a blinking light on the answering machine.  I press play and all I ever hear is the click of a broken connection.

I figured it was a crafty collection agency with a "No Answering Machine" policy.

We have a weird answering machine situation.  There is an answering machine built into our phone but our cable company also has voicemail service.  What's fun is that you never know whether you will get the machine or the voicemail.

Chris recorded a message for the voicemail, but the answering machine still had the generic robotic male voice.  I decided to finally record a personalized message on the machine.  It went something like this:

"Hi, you've reached Jenny, Chris, and Anthony.  We won't answer if we don't recognize the number, so you might as well leave a message."

After all, I can't pay the collection agency $10 a month if I don't know where to send it.

I took the doggies for a long walk and then dragged the laundry to the Dodge.  NEED a washer and dryer.  Finally I'm home and it's 9:30 and the phone rings.  I let it go.  The phone rang again.  I let it go.

I stop putting laundry away and go check the machine.  It's blinking.

Message 1: Hesitation before the hang up.

Message 2: Long pause... "Hi, Anthony... this is [Sadie Hawkins].  I was just wondering if you could... call me back."

I had a ridiculous moment of celebration where I crowed about my clever trap... and then I froze in horror.  Are we seriously already at the point where girls are calling the house?

Yes, I realized, as I remembered my own early years when... um... yeah, this is karma in the worst way.

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