Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What the hell Wednesday

In today's crazy news...

I was the only one who read the novel assigned for the Children's Literature class and was invited to give an impromptu summary for everyone.  TEACHER'S PET!  Yes, why thank you.  I thought maybe she'd give me extra credit for doing an extra presentation but I doubt I'll need it.  When she was returning the quizzes she said that I once again received the highest score in the class.  Yeah, that's right, I did.  Uh huh.

Meanwhile, Ant left for school early to... horse around on the monkey bars, I guess.  He fell and smacked his face on something, possibly the ground, I haven't clarified that yet.  He broke a tooth.

This picture looks so awful.  When my teacher finally let us out on a break that's what I found waiting on my phone.  It looks like it ought to have a caption that reads, "RROOOWWRRRR!"  Chris took Ant to the dentist.  Not only is the prognosis good, but it's covered under the insurance!  Whew.  Ant is worried that his friend will steal the girl he likes while his teeth are all messed up.

I'm currently stuck at work doing nothing when I need to be home working on my children's story.  It's written and edited thanks to Tracy so now I need to print it out in nice little chunks, paste it onto some nice paper, illustrate and bind it, now that I know how to do that.  I want to hit up Joann's and Michaels for a couple of those awesome little Jolee things.

They are so CUTE!

I've always wished I had an excuse to use these things for something.  Whatever I can't find I'm going to make because I am unnecessarily ambitious in my crafty endeavors.

My story is about Ant's first experience eating stroganoff and discovering that mushrooms are not terrible.  I'm hoping to find a shopping cart, because I imagine that would be darling.  I think I'll have to make the little package of mushrooms and I'm kind of looking forward to that.  I also want to make my own bag of groceries.  I would not want to make a shopping cart.  I'm going to make the other things I need but I will also look to see if anything inspires me or is just entirely too cute to pass up.  For example, after seeing the breakfast items above, I want to include an oven mitt.  Eeeeeeee!

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