Monday, July 11, 2011

Here you go, Tracy.

Chris took the dogs out so I could sit here and do my homework.  He came in and said, "I have to kiss you."  I was slightly confused but he was already explaining:

He'd been talking to our neighbor outside while playing with Jasmine.  Johnny threw the tennis ball into the parking lot- off the grass- and Jasmine wouldn't go.

I trained her not to run into the street after a toy over three years ago.

My homework is not finished but

1) I was writing about how much I enjoy writing blogs

2) Just today Tracy was telling me about looking for a blog

3) I have been writing mental blogs

Today was the first day of "Fear, Risk, and Rhetorical Criticism."  Don't worry, I've already decided that come hell or high water, I cannot drop this class.  I will not destroy my last fall semester with financial aid woes.  Interestingly, the UNR goblins may have found another way to thwart me.  Apparently, the minimum enrollment for a class is eight.  We have five.  Our class may get canceled.  Are you rolling your eyes yet?  I am.

Yesterday we went for a hike.  I have pictures but they're on my phone and I'll have to send them to my email, download and save them somewhere I can find them, then post and comment on them here.  That could be an entertaining project at work tomorrow when I'm supposed to be reading about rhetoric.

"Rhetoric is defined as the human use of symbols to communicate.  This definition includes three primary dimensions: (1) humans as the creators of rhetoric; (2) symbols as the medium for rhetoric; and (3) communication as the purpose for rhetoric."

Yup, sounds like rhetoric to me.

Yeah, so we went for a hike in a park halfway up Mt. Rose.  Actually, I'm just assuming it's halfway up, like how far we made it up the trail.  The map said the trail was 2000' vertical, which I assumed was an exaggeration meant to keep the weenies at bay.  We staggered and rested our way up to what I thought was surely the top of the hill, but it was only slightly less vertical than the rest of the trail, and continued, vertically uphill.  We gave up and rested, drank some water, and started back down.  Immediately we saw an OLD LADY walking up the steepest part of the trail towards us.  "I can't speed up," she called.  Not that we'd want her to.  She made it up and came to say hi to the dogs.  She had to turn her hearing aid up to talk to us.

"Did you come from the pond?" she asked.

"We didn't make it that far."

"Yeah," she laughed.  "There's no downhill on this trail."

She strode past and we skittered down over the steep part.

"I wonder if it was a mistake to leave her alone," I said.

"I was thinking the same thing," said Chris.  "But it sounds like she's been here before."


We were quiet for a few seconds.

"Boy, she sure makes us look like a couple of weenies, huh?"

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