Monday, August 1, 2011 is also informally known as "Jennyway"

So Ant is finally home.  I got a little upset at the airport when only one of us was allowed past security to meet him at the gate.  I was banished to the Wicked Stepmother Waiting Area.  Sniffle.

We went to his school to buy his uniform shirts, meet his teacher, and pick up his supply list.  This is the first school year that we didn't need a list.

"Two binders, two notebooks, and a pencil," she said.  Whew!

We went to locate the items and some more dark blue Dickies at Wal-Mart.  Pant selection was thin, so we'll be scouting this week.  We came home to work on our individual projects: Ant unpacked and picked up all the caca off his floor, I bathed Riley and tried to burn through the novel that must be read and responded to by Wednesday morning, Chris worked on whatever the hell he's doing in his room.  It was almost 8 by the time Ant was done.  We dragged Chris away and took the dogs to the park.  Chris threw the monster for Jasmine while Riley and I walked the loop.  She met four little doggies.  We hit Little Caesar's on the way home for some cheap pizza.

We talked over dinner about the new objects in the living room like the crazy little monkey I found at a thrift store.  I must get a picture of that for you.  Ant said he'd also seen the "cactuses."  Chris and I looked at each other.  Huh?  Ant went over and picked up my unfinished-but-fired-anyway hands from the Ceramics class.  Chris and I looked at each other again with wide eyes and furrowed brows.  One of them might be unfinished, but it is quite obviously a hand.

"See?" Ant asked.  "They're cactuses.  This one is a cactus and the other one looks like one of those rollie things that rolls through the desert."

Tell me you don't REALLY want to see them now.  Don't worry, I'm getting there.  I just have to FINISH THIS FRIGGING CLASS FIRST!  We have two papers to go- one is the regular deal where we do a workshop on Thursday and turn in the final draft on Monday, but the last one is due on a Thursday!  Allow me to translate: That means one 5-7 page paper is due on Monday and a 6-8 page paper is due that Thursday!  AND the last paper is accompanied by a PRESENTATION!  If that isn't crazy enough, the last paper is using a CRITICISM THAT WE HAVE TO MAKE UP OURSELF!  If you have any ideas for that, incidentally, pass them along.  I would probably be a lot more interested in that.  Maybe I should create tangental criticism.  Ha ha ha hmmm.  I might be onto something.

OH and (Sorry for the yelling, but I had a beer with din-din.  It makes me louder than usual.) I remembered during dinner that I want to take Ant to the yo-yo competition in wherever the hell I read about that.  I googled random yo-yo related things until I found the yo-yo museum in Chico, California.  That is where I used to go with my crazy boys at Edwards to visit John's family.  It was 8 hours from Edwards but only 2 hours from here!  I'm planning to take him this year and I wrote it all over the calendar.  That seems really crucial to me.

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