Friday, October 21, 2011

Not evil, just determined.

I just spent the last three hours with Ant learning about minerals.

Waiting for applause...

Two homework packets are complete... wait.  Did I tell you guys about this?

Okay, so Ant is not passing science, the teacher is highly unpopular, and there is something called transition anxiety that

I'm way too tired to write all this.  Bottom line: He needs to catch up.  I actually needed to accomplish four more hours of homework to be on track myself, but people in hell want ice water.  Now it's 10:30 and I'm ready to pass out.

Ant called me an evil stepmother when I made him look up how to spell "vitamin."  But two homework packets are done and corrected.  He was an obnoxious, whiny poopy pants until he finally saw that he had something totally wrong.  He got this OHHHHH look and then he was finally interested in getting it right.  It was a long night, but it was so worth it to see the light bulb come on.

YAWWWWN!  Goodnight.

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