Monday, April 9, 2012

It's important to have plans.

Easter was fine and Ant is in Topaz.  He made me very proud yesterday with his behaviour and I had a tough time saying goodbye.  Chris came home after the game and we spent a short evening together celebrating our anniversary before his very busy week at work.  It'll be quiet nights with the dogs all week, so I think I'll start the next horrible 1000 piece puzzle.  I'll set up on the kitchen table and threaten the cat with eviction if she steals anything.  I'm ready to go home and start on it now, but I've got another 5 of work and a healthy dog walk to take care of first.  I got a text from Chris- he's coaxing a few last loads out of our dying washer before the new one is delivered on Sunday.  Depending on how much we get done, I may not have to go to the laundromat!  And he's already taken the dogs out to the park.  Excuse me while I swoon.

I'm looking forward to some silence this week.  I'm going to try hard to keep some chores going every day- how horrible would it be to get to the end of the week, have the house looking like a pigsty and no one to blame for it?  The kitchen's clean, the living room's passable... the bathroom's small, maybe I'll get that out of the way.  I think I'll go make myself a list.  I won't follow it, but it will make me feel productive.

I keep trying to remind myself to make a nametag for my cubicle.  I want to find a print of the peanut butter and Jenny jars that I made for book arts, but I've had that idea for weeks and done nothing about it.  In the meantime, people are calling me Jennifer and that just will not do.

Tonight's To Do List

Walk dogs
Find pb and Jenny jars
Clean bathroom
Start puzzle

For dinner I'll have a frozen quiche, orange bell pepper slices, and Riley poking me with her nose under the table.

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