Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Riley wins an Oscar

The only benefit to having no yard was being able to drag the dogs out on a leash to potty when it was raining.  Now that we have a yard, they just stand at the open door and make faces at me if it’s nasty outside.
Of course, my dogs are two of the most spoiled creatures on earth.  They believe, like the cat does, that the slider should remain open at all times so that they are never trapped outside.  They are couch babies, my dogs.
So in the mornings, I call the girls to let them out before I leave for work.  Chris is still at home, but he won’t be awake for a while, so I have to let Riley out unless I want him to step in poop first thing.  Jasmine is not as much of a problem.  She likes to stay in bed as long as possible, and I let her because she would rather explode than potty inside.  This is a rather endearing trait in Pit Bulls, but they make up for it by being vomit machines.  Jasmine will get up if she needs to go, so if she doesn’t show up I just let Riley out and let it go.
This morning I had to get them both up because Chris was riding in with me.  I let them out and Riley immediately reappeared at the door.  This happens a lot, especially at night when it’s cold or excessively windy.  There was no way she could have pottied already so I stood at the door and told her to go.  Each time, she’d walk away from the door, look back to see if I was gone, then go wait at the door again.  After 15 times of yelling at her to go potty, you’d think that she just didn’t need to go, but you don’t know how stubborn she can be.  She was probably just hoping that I’d be dropping breakfast materials.
Jasmine showed up at the door, so I opened it and asked, “Did you go potty?”  She looked at me, tried to interpret why I was standing in the way, gave a doggie “Eh, whatever” and turned around to go play with Riley.  As soon as she bolted, she winced, lifted her left front paw, and started licking it.  She hurt that paw recently while chasing the monster into a ditch.  Jasmine gave up playing and limped into the house with Riley on her heels.
I told Riley to stop and she turned back towards me and sat down on the rug.
“Did you go potty?” I asked.
Riley looked at me sadly and raised her paw as if she was hurt, too.
I laughed my ass off and let her go back to bed.

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